Single Dwelling Housing

Complying development is a combined planning and construction approval for straightforward development that can be determined through a fast-track assessment by a council or an accredited certifier. Complying development applies to homes, businesses and industry and allows for a range of things like the construction of a new dwelling house, alterations and additions to a house, new industrial buildings, demolition of a building, and changes to a business use.

Town Houses

From 1 July 2021, all Construction Certificate (CC) applications must be lodged - to your council or a registered certifier - through the NSW Planning Portal.

Your application should include detailed building plans/engineering details and specifications. The plans will most likely contain a lot more information than your approved Development Application (DA) plans, to allow your builder to work directly from them. The building must be consistent with CC documents and the development consent.

Any plan changes that are inconsistent with the DA plans will need to be assessed, and an application to modify the development consent may be required (see Modifications and Reviews). In order to obtain the CC you might be required to first provide additional reports and pay refundable bonds or development contributions to the council. These details are covered in the conditions of your development consent


These provisions of the State Policy set out conditions that apply to a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) for demolition. These conditions will be specified on the CDC approval. You need to notify your neighbour/s before beginning demolition work.

For buildings built before 1987, asbestos must be handled and removed by a licensed contractor. This is in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. Certain businesses are licensed to undertake asbestos removal work under these regulations. Where demolition does not require a licensed contractor to carry out removal work, the work should be undertaken in a manner that minimises risks. Information on the removal and disposal of asbestos to landfill sites that are licensed to accept this waste is available from the NSW Environment Protection Authority.

    Other considerations
  • Complying development does not override private covenants or similar legal instruments. For example, a covenant that requires a specific construction material or limits building heights continues to apply to the land.
  • All works must be structurally adequate, installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
  • If you propose to remove or prune any existing trees or vegetation, you should contact your council first to make sure you don’t need approval for this.
  • Any structures that would be located on public land, or on or over a public road (including temporary structures), must have separate approval from the relevant council, or Roads and Maritime Services under the Roads Act 1993 and the Local Government Act 1993.
  • Generally, complying development cannot be carried out on

Granny Flats

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Extensions & Alterations

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Swimming Pools

From 1 July 2021, all Construction Certificate (CC) applications must be lodged - to your council or a registered certifier - through the NSW Planning Portal.

Your application should include detailed building plans/engineering details and specifications. The plans will most likely contain a lot more information than your approved Development Application (DA) plans, to allow your builder to work directly from them. The building must be consistent with CC documents and the development consent.

Any plan changes that are inconsistent with the DA plans will need to be assessed, and an application to modify the development consent may be required (see Modifications and Reviews). In order to obtain the CC you might be required to first provide additional reports and pay refundable bonds or development contributions to the council. These details are covered in the conditions of your development consent


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